Onboard Sub-Merchants


When you use Onboarding as a Service, you'll not only be able to register your sub-merchant's with Chase Merchant Services, but you'll also:

  • Allow your sub-merchants to onboard to the Amex OptBlue program
  • Receive MATCH screening results for each sub-merchant
We now support ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) in the social_security_number field.

Create A Legal Entity

The first step is to create a Legal Entity. A Legal Entity represents a single person (like a sole proprietor), business, or a non-profit. Think of a Legal Entity as the business itself, where various business and contact information is stored.


The parameters listed here are the required parameters to onboard submerchants as a Payment Facilitator (PayFac). The API reference may indicate different requirements, but those requirements are the default, whereas PayFac requirements are enhanced.

To start, send a POST /legal_entities request to WePay like so:
curl -X POST \
  --url 'https://stage-api.wepay.com/legal_entities' \
  -H 'App-Id: {Your-App-Id}'\
  -H 'App-Token: {Your-App-Token}'\
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Api-Version: 3.0'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "country": "US",
    "address": {
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "country": "US",
        "line1": "123 Fake Street",
        "postal_code": "94101",
        "region": "CA"
    "entity_name": "my business, LLC",
    "primary_url": "",
    "entity_country_info": {
      "country_of_formation": "US",
      "operates_in_sanctioned_countries": [],
      "year_of_formation": 1999,
      "US": {
        "employer_identification_number": "{EIN}",
        "legal_form": "limited_liability_company"
    "controller": { //provide either controller or account_controller depending on the entity type
        "address": {
            "city": "Beverly Hills",
            "country": "US",
            "line1": "456 Nocturn Alley",
            "postal_code": "90210",
            "region": "CA"
        "date_of_birth": {
          "day": 1,
          "month": 1,
          "year": 1991
        "email": "",
        "email_is_verified": true,
        "name": {
            "first": "Foo",
            "last": "Bar"
        "personal_country_info": {
          "US": {
            "social_security_number": "{collect-controller-SSN}"
        "phone": {
          "country_code": "+1",
          "phone_number": "555 555 5555"
        "job_title": "OWNER",
        "is_beneficial_owner": {bool}

    "additional_representatives": { //provide up to 4 individuals who own 25% or more of the entity
      "representative_{X}": {

The API response will contain a Legal Entity ID in the id parameter. Use that Legal Entity ID in calls to the /accounts* endpoint, described next. Here is an example of what the API response for POST /legal_entities may look like:
  "terms_of_service": {
    "acceptance_time": null,
    "original_ip": "{submitted-user-ip}"
  "controller": {
    "is_beneficial_owner": true,
    "name": {
      "first": "Lorem",
      "last": "Ipsum"
    "phone": {
      "country_code": "+1",
      "phone_number": "555 555 5555"
    "address": {
      "city": "Paris",
      "country": "US",
      "line1": "456 Fake St",
      "postal_code": "90210",
      "region": "CA"
    "email": "me@example.com",
    "email_is_verified": true,
    "personal_country_info": {
      "US": {
        "social_security_number_last_four_is_present": true,
        "social_security_number_is_present": true
    "job_title": "OWNER",
    "reference_id": "{custom-user-identifier-from-you}",
    "date_of_birth_is_present": true
  "entity_name": "Lorem Ipsum",
  "phone": {
    "country_code": "+1",
    "phone_number": "555 555 5555"
  "primary_url": "https://example.com",
  "description": null,
  "address": {
    "city": "Paradise",
    "country": "US",
    "line1": "123 Fake St",
    "postal_code": "90210",
    "region": "CA"
  "entity_country_info": {
    "US": {
      "legal_form": "limited_liability_company",
      "employer_identification_number": "{EIN}"
    "country_of_formation": "US",
    "operates_in_sanctioned_countries": null,
    "year_of_formation": 1871
  "additional_representatives": null,
  "custom_data": null,
  "significant_donors": null,
  "significant_beneficiaries": {
    "entities": null,
    "geographies": null,
    "affiliations": null,
    "non_domestic_location_beneficiaries": null
  "public_ownership": {
    "is_publicly_traded": false,
    "is_subsidiary": false,
    "parent_company_name": null,
    "primary_exchange": null,
    "traded_exchanges": {}
  "email": "example@example.com",
  "reference_id": "{custom-reference-number}",
  "country": "US",
  "create_time": 1234567890,
  "id": "{WePay-generated-UUID}",
  "resource": "legal_entities",
  "path": "/legal_entities/{WePay-generated-UUID}",
  "owner": {
    "id": "{app-id}",
    "resource": "applications",
    "path": null
  "api_version": "3.0"

Create A Merchant Account

Once you have a Legal Entity ID, you can move to the second step of creating an Account.

Think of the Accounts you'll be creating for your sub-merchants as an approximate representation of what your platform considers a normal Merchant Account. As a point of clarification, this step is creating an Account in the WePay system, not a Merchant Account with a bank. The Legal Entity is the API parent to the Account, and an Account can only have one parent Legal Entity.


The parameters listed here are the required parameters to onboard submerchants as a PayFac. The API reference may indicate different requirements, but those requirements are the default, whereas PayFac requirements are enhanced.

Send a POST /accounts request to WePay like so:
curl -X POST \
  --url 'https://stage-api.wepay.com/accounts' \
  -H 'App-Id: {Your-App-Id}'\
  -H 'App-Token: {Your-App-Token}'\
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Api-Version: 3.0'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    “legal_entity_id”: “{ID-from-step-1}”,
    “name”: “Merchant-Name”,
    “description”: “Merchant Name's business”,
    "industry": {
		  "merchant_category_code": "Example MCC",
		  "category_detail": "Example Category"
    "statement_description": "Example Statement Description",
The response will contain an Account ID in the id parameter.

Here is an example of what the API response may look like:

	"name": "Merchant-Name",
	"description": "Merchant Name's business",
	"industry": {
		"merchant_category_code": "Example MCC",
		"category_detail": "Example Category"
	"reference_id": "Custom reference number",
	"statement_description": "Example Statement Description",
	"projected_monthly_transaction_volume": null,
	"incoming_payments": {
		"accepted_methods": ["payment_bank", "visa", "mastercard", "american_express", "discover", "jcb", "diners_club"]
	"payout": {
		"default_currency": "USD",
		"currencies": {
			"USD": null
	"custom_data": null,
	"create_time": 1234567890,
	"balances": {
		"currencies": {}
	"pricing": {
		"currencies": {
			"USD": {
				"credit_card": null,
				"payment_bank": null,
				"recurring_fee": null,
				"other_fees": {
					"debit_failure_fee": null
	"id": "{WePay-generated-UUID}",
	"resource": "accounts",
	"path": "/accounts/{WePay-generated-UUID}",
	"owner": {
		"id": "{WePay-generated-Legal-Entity-UUID}",
		"resource": "legal_entities",
		"path": "/legal_entities/{WePay-generated-Legal-Entity-UUID}"
	"api_version": "3.0",
	"platform_onboarding_time": null,
	"beneficiary": {
		"id": "{WePay-generated-UUID}",
		"resource": "legal_entities",
		"path": "/legal_entities/{WePay-generated-UUID}"
	"documents": []

Next to Connect Sub-Merchants to OptBlue